Case Studies

Bat survey drone

In 2023, one of North America’s leading wildlife consultancies approached us to develop a custom drone for bat surveys at wind farms. The vehicle had to carry an acoustic monitor as well as infrared and visual cameras, and have a reduced acoustic signature to allow the onboard microphone to detect bat echolocation. Our engineers worked closely with the client to rapidly design this unique aircraft over the course of only 6 months.

Persimia’s one-of-a-kind bat survey drone is an NDAA-compliant autonomous vehicle designed specifically for airborne detection of bats. The aircraft is built strictly from NDAA-compliant components and is currently being used for bat surveys at wind farms across the midwestern United States.

Wind turbine ice and blade throw modeling

When wind farms are built near communities, questions often arise about potential risks from ice pieces or blade fragments released from a turbine blade. At the request of a large public utility, we developed some of the first modeling tools that simulate the flight of ice pieces or blade fragments using our unique expertise in rotor blade modeling and aerodynamic simulation.

With these validated simulation models as a foundation, we have developed industry-leading risk analysis methods for blade and ice throw risk from wind turbines that have been used by numerous communities throughout North America to assess whether proposed setbacks are protective of public safety. Our holisitic risk assessment process has been peer-reviewed and is compatible with IEC and IEA standards.

Environmental impact modeling software

Persimia is a trusted developer of custom simulation software for modeling environmental and community impacts of renewable energy development. Over the past 10 years, Persimia’s engineering team has developed customized software to simulate noise, shadow flicker from wind turbines, zone of visual impact (ZVI), and bat fatality risk at wind farms. These software modules have been used by renewable energy developers across North America and around the world.

In 2024, Persimia’s ISO-9613-2 noise and shadow flicker simulation software was integrated into WindPlanner, a leading software suite for wind farm planning. Also in 2024, Persimia partnered with the Electric Power Research Institute to deploy a new website for modeling bat fatality risk at wind farms. Persimia’s expert engineers and software developers are a critical resource for the energy industry as they seek to accurately model environmental and wildlife impacts of renewable energy development.


Persimia develops custom autonomous aircraft and simulation software for renewable energy and wildlife conservation applications.



1700 Cumberland Point Dr.
Suite 13
Marietta, GA 30067

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